Fotoxx telah diupdate ke versi 13.02 membawa berbagai fitur baru dan berbagai peningkatan. Fotoxx adalah editor gambar yang bisa melakukan berbagai pengaturan dan efek pada gambar.
Fitur-fitur pada Fotoxx 13.02:
Cara Instalasi Fotoxx 13.02 Pada Ubuntu
Via UpUbuntu
Fitur-fitur pada Fotoxx 13.02:
- Color space conversion is supported using LCMS (e.g. Adobe RGB <--> sRGB)
- A photo of a page in a thick book can be squared and flattened; the print is stretched out where the page curves down at the binding.
- A photo can be converted into a cartoon-like drawing.
- The thumbnail gallery view has three sort options: file name, file mod date, and photo date (EXIF).
- Metadata is kept when a RAW file is converted to TIFF/JPEG/PNG
- Brightness distribution graph allows selection of colors, and reflects only the visible part of a zoomed image.
- Bugs were fixed
Cara Instalasi Fotoxx 13.02 Pada Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fotoxx
Via UpUbuntu