Rabu, 30 November 2011

[Ubuntu 11.10] How To Dual Boot Ubuntu With Windows

Insert the Live CD/DVD or LiveUSB (as preferred) and restart the PC. After restarting you will see this screen.

You can select either Try Ubuntu or Install Ubuntu. I would suggest Try Ubuntu so that you can see if Ubuntu 11.10 runs on your PC without any issues. If there is any problem* with your PC, you will come across it at this stage.

The Installation:
1. Select Language and click forward. English is the default language which you can easily change.

Language Selection

2. Preparing To Install Ubuntu: In this window Ubuntu will give you info about your System. You must have at least 4.4GB of free space for installation. If you are using netbook/laptop, make sure it is plugged in to a power source so that the battery doesn't run down during installation. If you have a LAN connection for the Internet, please connect it to your PC.

You will see two more options : Download Updates while installing (do not select this window as it will take longer for installation, we will update your system later). Another window is Install Third Party software. Do not enable it, we can do it later.

3. Allocate drive space: Here you will see several options. I would suggest 'Something else' as it will allow us to customize the OS. Select it and click Forward.

4. Allocate drive space. We are assuming there is no data on your hard-drive. If there is any data (such as previous Windows which you want to get rid of), right click on the partitions with data and click 'delete'. It will delete all data and create free space.

5. Select the free space and click on Add button, you will be greeted with this window.

Creating Root for Ubuntu (refer to the screenshot below)

* Type for the new partition: Primary
* New Partition size in megabytes: Enter 8000 or 15000 (for giving 8GB or 15GB for root)
* Location of the new partition: Beginning
* Use as: Ext4
* Mount Point: select / from drop down
→ Now click OK. It will scan the drive and create the root partition.

Create Swap for Ubuntu
Now we need to create a Swap partition. Select the free space and click on Add. A window will open (screenshot below).

* Type for the new partition: Logical
* New partition size in megabytes: Must be appropriate as explained here. Give as much space as you have the amount of RAM. If you have more than 4GB RAM give 1000 only. I am giving 2000 (2GB) as I have 2GB Ram on this PC.
* Location for the new partition: Beginning
* Use as : select 'swap area' from the drop down menu.
* There is no option of mount point.
→ Click OK.

Create Partitions for Ubuntu
As we suggested above, it is recommended that you should always create separate partition for data. So, now we are going to create partitions for data. Select the free space and click on Add. A familiar window will open.

*Type of new partition: Logical
* New Partition size in megabytes: Enter remaining size or what ever size you want to give to this partition
* Location of the new partition: Beginning
* Use as: Ext4
* Mount Point: enter /media/data. [Here you can choose name of your preference instead of data if you want. It must be alphabets in lowercase -- as short as possible.]
→ Now click OK. It will scan the drive and create the partition.

If you are creating more than one partition for data, repeat the same step for each partition, just give each partition a different mount point.

5. Click on Install Now.

6. Where are you. You will see a Map, you can select your location by either pin-pointing your position on the map or entering the region in the box below.
→ Forward

7. Keyboard Layout. If you are using non-American/English keyboard, you can select the language here. Once selected you can test if it is correct by typing in the box
→ Forward

8. Who are you?

In this window you have to enter your name. It will automatically create the computer name, which you can change if you want. It will also suggest a username which you can change in 'Pick a username' box. You will need this username to log into your system.

Next option is password. Create a good password and confirm it. If you want to skip the login window every time you restart your PC, you can select 'Log in automatically.

You can leave the Encrypt my home folder unchecked.
→ Forward

9. Now there isn't much for you to do. Ubuntu will start the installation process which will take couple of minutes. During the installation process you can enjoy the slideshow about the cool features of Ubuntu.

10. Once the installation is finished, click on the 'Restart' button to reboot the PC into your new system. Remove the CD/DVD or the LiveUSB before the PC starts otherwise it will boot into the Live Ubuntu again.

* Note: If you have any proprietary hardware on your PC or if your PC doesn't have enough graphics you may not see the much talked about 3D unity. Don't worry, if your PC meets the requirement, Ubuntu will later recommend downloading the proprietary driver.

Source: http://www.muktware.com/man/2684

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