opensuse 12.1 freetype-freeword
So if you are running openSUSE 12.1, here is how you can install freetype-freeword font render engine to make your fonts look as great as they are. This is how I have done it, there may be a better easier way to do it, and since I am not a seasoned openSUSE user, bare with me. Since the freetype-freeword is not in openSUSE's repositories (search resulted in no result), I found a work-around.
Open the terminal change use to root:
su -
Then change directory:
cd /etc/zypp/repos.d/
Then run this command to download and add repository:
Once added run this command to install the packages
zypper install freetype-freeworld
Now under the Advanced Settings section change the hinting to slight or non and antialising to rgba.
Before After
Reboot your system and you will have pixel perfect font rendering.